Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Are there any omens that deal with evil, blood red, dogs?

Are there any omens that deal with evil, blood red, dogs that appear suddenly, then disappear, then reappear just as quickly as it appeared and then disappeared the first time? Are there any omens or signs of good luck ociated with blood red dogs at all? I'm just wondering because i saw one on my way home in front of a car about 20 - 30 feet in front of me, & it ran across the road and got right where the car was & then disappeared. To make sure that I wasn't just hallucinating i looked in my rear-view mirror and it was standing there with this evil & very pissed-off look on its face. When i saw that I hauled a** outta there and was freaking-out the rest of the way home. Has this ever happened ta anyone else? My dad said that he thinks that it was just a lens flare but, I don't know. Someone please help me with this.

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