Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Honest Opinion?

Now that I have an approximate neuter date for Diesel (early Feb.), tonight at the local doberman club awards banquet, he got volunteered to try out NEUTICALS!!!! Lol, at the rescue we frequently see ahem MEN that are reluctant to neuter their intact males because they feel it will make them appear less "manly" or masculine. Many have even said they wouldn't mind a vasectomy. Although vasectomies sterilize, they don't help out with the health/behavior problems as the hormones are still there. So Diesel was volunteered to be our poster boy for them lol. I kind of like the look myself and think it's a great idea! Yes I am a little (ok more than a little) vain about my dogs looks, one of the reasons I'm so into their diet and exercise. So I'm not opposed to this in any way. So what do you think, I think it's great. An alternative solution for males who's owners are also vain. Who have little man syndrome and want their dogs to appear more tough therefore refusing to neuter.

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