Monday, August 8, 2011

I think she has control issues but...?

I think she has to feel in control or she would just falter and crumble. Something's not right in the way she thinks, but she is as happy as I've ever known her to be. The words 'therapy' and 'counseling' have been brought up and I am reluctant to say the least. I look at our situation like, if a bone is broken and not set quite right, it can cause issues down the road, but it's not necessarily crippling. Likewise, the 'solution' or resolution could be a pretty long process if we started the journey and could result in 're-breaking' what's healed wrong (to follow the ogy). I think she feels as though I'm not treating her the way she needs and wants her partner to, but that is a two-fold situation: a. I am me and myself and don't expet her to treat me in any exact way (beyond with love, care, and respect) so feel the expectations ought to be the same of me, and b. these 'standards' change in terms of how much she needs from me. What would you do? She's the one pushing to go to counseling because, under a lot of duress, I confessed I didn't feel very connected to her; I don't think she can connect to people in the way I was talking about.

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